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Empowering Students for Success

At JJ Education, we have been dedicated to empowering students since 2015, providing rigorous academic support and comprehensive college consulting to help them excel in school and achieve their college dreams.
From GPA management, test prep, and summer camps to debate, research, and leadership programs, we equip students with the skills they need to stand out in an increasingly competitive landscape.
With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we guide students every step of the way toward academic success and bright futures.

Jihea Lim & Jessika Hong
Co-founders of JJ Education


JJ Education은 2015년 설립 이후, 학생들이 학업에서 뛰어난 성과를 거두고 원하는 대학에 합격할 수 있도록 강도 높은 학습 지원과 체계적인 입시 컨설팅을 제공해 왔습니다.

GPA 관리, 시험 대비, 여름 캠프는 물론, 디베이트, 연구, 리더십 프로그램까지—학생들이 치열한 경쟁에서 돋보일 수 있도록 필요한 모든 역량을 갖추게 합니다.

저희는 최고 수준의 교육과 혁신적인 접근 방식으로 학생들의 학업 여정을 끝까지 함께하며, 성공적인 미래를 위한 확실한 길을 제시합니다.

임지혜 & 제시카 홍
JJ Education 공동 원장

Co-founders of JJ Education

Contact Us

3580 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd 101

Suwanee, GA 30024
Tel: +1-678-900-9123

(eg. SAT, math tutor, consulting, writing competition)

Tell us more about the student, including their academic strengths, challenges, and any specific goals. Also, let us know what you would like to discuss during the consultation (e.g., SAT prep, college planning, subject tutoring, academic enrichment, etc.)

© 2025 JJ EDUCATION. All rights reserved.

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